

Mixed Tahitian and South Sea 'Pelosi' Pearl Necklace

Mixed Tahitian and South Sea \'Pelosi\' Pearl Necklace

Size: .7,5mm to 10.2mm

Colour: white pale and dark gold, , green, blue, pink

Shape: round

Surface: mostly smooth, some flaws

Lustre:  metallic

Length: 51cm

Number of pearls: 47

Weight: 11.3 momme

Grade: AA

Pearls selected by Pearlescence in person in Bangkok. I don't generally care for these mixed South Sea and Tahitian pearls. They seem...strident. But this strand of smaller pearls struck me as much more harmonious and balanced. I liked

These strands are called Pelosi after American Speaker Nancy Pelosi who has a necklace in the style (very big pearls)

Mixed Tahitian and South Sea 'Pelosi' Pearl Necklace >Mixed Tahitian and South Sea 'Pelosi' Pearl Necklace

Size: .7,5mm to 10.2mm

Colour: white pale and dark gold, , green, blue, pink

Shape: round

Surface: mostly smooth, some flaws

Lustre:  metallic

Length: 51cm

Number of pearls: 47

Weight: 11.3 momme

Grade: AA

Pearls selected by Pearlescence in person in Bangkok. I don't generally care for these mixed South Sea and Tahitian pearls. They seem...strident. But this strand of smaller pearls struck me as much more harmonious and balanced. I liked

These strands are called Pelosi after American Speaker Nancy Pelosi who has a necklace in the style (very big pearls)

3985 £910.00 Pearlescence.co.uk
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St Annes
Registered in England & Wales
Company number 7388434
VAT number 998401477
EORI number GB998401477000

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London Assay
Office Goldsmiths Hall
Pearl Association

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