Environmental impact

Environmental Impact



Pearlescence has recently switched from large, hard-sided cardboard boxes with a foam insert to thin card pillows with no insert. Both forms are finished with a cotton printed ribbon. Most of the former boxing was recyclable and all the current packaging is. The outside of our envelopes is paper – eminently recyclable and where possible we do not seal the envelope (if inside a courier package for eg) so it can be re-used. Unfortunately there is no recyclable substitute for bubble wrap, on the inside of envelopes. And we do sometimes use plastic envelopes for overseas shipping simply for security and durability. Individual loose pearls are shipped in very small ziplock bags because we have encountered a problem where a single pearl was popped right out of the package when it went through the sorting rollers and was lost. Strands are wrapped in tissue.


Of Goods

Our new packaging is considerably lighter – about a quarter the weight. This very much reduces the carbon footprint of all our shipping since even some domestic mail is sent by air. When a package goes overseas the carbon footprint is very much reduced.

Of people

Where possible we travel by the most ‘green’ airline and using the most effective route – so, for example, fly to Hong Kong by Cathay Pacific which goes direct rather than by Emirates which flies via Dubai. Further in the air and an extra take-off and landing. On our way to Hong Kong, February 2020.
Locally we drive VW cars with the advanced Blue Motion engine which has such low emissions that no UK road tax is payable.


Our workshop and offices are as green as possible, with careful consideration taken for the well-being of staff re such as clean air as well as garden facilities for rest and relaxation. 
We have installed air purifiers in key rooms and masks and eye protection for use when drilling. Where possible we avoid the use of unnecessary chemical cleaning materials (although covid has meant the use of biocides where appropriate)


We have been paperless for over a decade. We don’t enclose any paperwork with your delivery. If you want or need documentation (for tax for example) you can log in to your account and print off the information or simply give access to your accountant


Our electricity is 100% renewable and the energy company plants a tree a year per customer 


We re-cycle any paper or cardboard which comes in to Pearlescence. Bubble wrap is re-used where possible 

The Pearls

Most pearls are not trackable to a single source farm, but where we do know the farm or source we will tell you – we buy from Robert Wan, Atlas and Edison for example which have their own farms and supply chains, as well as from other verifiable sources. Realistically most pearls are mixed when they reach the pearl factory from farms and no provenance is possible. Pearls have to be grown in clean water with a very narrow environmental window. Staff tend to be local, often farms are operated by families. Larger companies tend to put more effort into staff training and welfare with some training in world transferable skills such as nucleating. While it is undeniable that the oyster will at some time be killed as part of the harvesting process, very little is then wasted. Shells go to mother of pearl for such as buttons, and the adductor muscle is a desirable delicacy as a food.
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Pearlescence Ltd
Registered office:
63 Church Road,
St Annes
Registered in England & Wales
Company number 7388434
VAT number 998401477
EORI number GB998401477000

London Assay Office Goldsmiths Hall
London Assay
Office Goldsmiths Hall
Pearl Association

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